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Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 A Year of Discovering & Awareness of what lies within & without our Worlds......
January brought uneasiness with self awareness and reflection.Energy systems were awakening for we are to align with Nature....
February came with instictal moves of masses as the oceans currents whirled waves & winds Within ....
March seems to carry alignment with Mars and therefor will always try to sting or stir you up somewhere there is an Imbalance....
April time for allowing the "true sun"s Awareness...
May may day may day... repeated patterns & past lessons resurfacing, all are becoming awakened souls on this Journey....
June for humans caught in the linear a time for tax and tax for the awakened a shifting and shaping of energies centres that lie within, A place to Begin......
July where is it? why is it? what is it? ahhh the questions just keep rolling as the search for reality shifts In....
August under the surface those who appear sane are not,those who say they will do not as Mountains tumble Down.....
September breaths with a breath of fresh air as spring arrives in the northern hempshere whislt above flys the Opposite....
October allows company & companionship with Nature if we Choose
November reveals to our awakened souls the importance of Love and how we share our thoughts & energy with the Mother...
December a time to celebrate the rebirth of each and every soul living on the earth allowing reflection for lessons gained, healing recieved, and alignment for the future year of balance with Peace for all who seek for blessed are the meek as we no longer will turn a cheek..as walk in alignment with Emanuel~ Joan of Arc~ Mother Theresa ~Princess Diana~ArcangelMichael
Grace and Grattitude for the Divine Mothers Love who shines upon us from Above!!
Blessings to my Sistar Arcs as we anchor in the Rose Pink Ray from our beloved choan Akasha